Bloating in Pregnancy: Taking Digestive Enzymes For Relief

Bloating in Pregnancy

Bloating is an uncomfortable feeling of fullness or tightness that happens due to pressure inside the stomach. Bloating commonly occurs due to a buildup of gas somewhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Bloating is a common gastrointestinal issue that can occur at any age and may be caused by functional gastrointestinal disorders, that significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Bloating in pregnancy is common due to hormonal fluctuations and changes in digestion and bowel movements.

Are you pregnant? Do you feel like a hot air balloon? If yes, then you are probably bloated. While bloating is a usual symptom among pregnant women, it’s not a nice feeling. In this blog, Rajashree Gadgil a well-known nutritionist explains the reasons and tips and tricks to avoid bloating during pregnancy.

Bloating in Pregnancy

Bloating is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. A study reported that most pregnant women mentioned that they experienced some level of bloating during their pregnancy. Bloating generally starts in the early pregnancy stage, during the first trimester.  Extreme bloating early pregnancy 1 week is common. Bloating in early pregnancy is normal because of hormonal changes, particularly increased levels of progesterone. Progesterone relaxes the muscles in the digestive tract, which downturns digestion. This can lead to gas buildup and bloating. Furthermore, the growing uterus can put pressure on the intestines, causing this discomfort.

To put it in simple words, when intestinal motility is slowed, you get more stool and gas buildup. Pregnant ladies experience this to different degrees, as hormonal responses to all things are variable from person to person. When food moves slowly through the digestive tract, it allows gut bacteria more time to ferment undigested food and produce gas. Most importantly, increased uterine pressure, hormone changes, and slowing of the digestive system should be taken care of.

A normal question that pops up in mind is when does bloating start in pregnancy? Well, the answer is early pregnancy bloating is something to expect during the first trimester. Keep in mind that this symptom can extend through the entire pregnancy, causing discomfort and at times mild pain. Upper belly bloating pregnancy is usually due to bloating, indigestion, or the growing uterus pressing on nearby organs. While you can do away with bloating, you can do a lot to relieve this symptom. Do you have any more doubts about pregnancy bloating or other symptoms? Feel free to contact Mrs. Rajashree Gadgil to answer all your questions and provide appropriate guidance.

Extreme bloating early pregnancy 6 weeks is common and often caused by hormonal changes, particularly an increase in progesterone, which can slow down digestion.

What Causes Bloating in Pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy Hormones
  • Constipation
  • Trigger Foods
  • Underlying GI Conditions
  • Dehydration
  • Increased Fluid Retention
  • Dietary Changes
  • Swallowing Air
  • Reduced Physical Activity
  • Growing Uterus
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Overeating

Got gas because of pregnancy? Rajashree Gadgil an esteemed nutritionist mentions that your body goes through many changes during pregnancy, and sadly gas is an uncomfortable outcome of some very normal body processes. But don’t worry. There are ways to ease your gas and relieve bloating during pregnancy. You may go for Digestive Enzymes based on recommendations of the doctor. Read on to learn more.

How to Relieve Bloating During Pregnancy?

  • Break Your Meals: Go for frequent smaller meals
  • Watch How You Eat: Mindful eating habits
  • Cut On Sinful Food: Avoid gas-inducing foods
  • Dress Comfortably: Comfortable clothing choice
  • Move Around: Physical activity benefits
  • Increase Fluid Intake: Hydration for relief
  • Reduce Caffeine: Limit gas triggers
  • Add Anti-Bloating Foods to Your Diet: Incorporate soothing ingredients
  • De-Stress Yourself: Stress reduction techniques
  • Raise Your Legs: Posture improvement

Nutrition is one of the major aspects that should be considered thoughtfully during pregnancy. An expectant mother should be well-nourished with food that will bring health benefits to her and the baby. However, certain foods also contribute to gas in the gut.

Foods That Cause Bloating in Pregnancy

Rajashree Gadgil mentions that avoiding certain foods can help relieve pregnancy bloating and gas. Some pregnancy bloating and gas may be unavoidable, but cutting back on the foods that cause bloating in pregnancy can be an effective way to reduce some of it.

  • Cruciferous vegetables like kale, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and collards are of high nutritious value but have a high quantity of sulphur compounds that release gas once broken down.
  • Whole grains are the seeds of cereal plants like wheat, oats, corn, and rice are considered whole grains, and they are present in products such as breakfast cereals, bread, and pasta. They contain large quantities of B vitamins, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants useful in preventing constipation. However, it leads to the development of gas since it is digested in the large intestine.
  • Dairy products because lactose intolerant mothers get gassy when they consume dairy products like ice cream, milk, and yogurt. It happens because of insufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which is necessary for the digestion of lactose in the body.
  • Carbonated water, carbonated drinks sodas and other fizzy drinks lead to an increase in the amount of gas swallowed into the body. The surplus gas racks up in the body and causes discomfort to the expectant mother. Specialists suggest looking for other alternatives such as water to avoid damage to both the mother and the baby.
  • Certain fruits like pears, apples, and peaches are rich in sorbitol, an indigestible compound. Sorbitol is broken down by bacteria present in the large intestines. The presence of soluble fibre in these fruits increases the amount of gas stored in the gut, which is released from the body through farting.
  • Chewing Gum makes a person swallow air that makes its way through the gut. Furthermore, candy and some gums are rich in sugars, namely the indigestible sorbitol, which promotes the presence of gas in the alimentary canal.
  • Onions are rich in fructose, which, like raffinose and sorbitol, can only be broken down in the large intestine by the harmless bacteria there.

How to Reduce Bloating First Trimester?

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Identify bloat-inducing trigger foods.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals.
  • Try gentle physical activity.
  • Consider probiotics.
  • Try natural remedies like ginger and peppermint.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

When to Call your Doctor for Bloating?

Bloating is a common symptom of pregnancy, so while you shouldn’t panic, if you experience bloating at any point in your pregnancy, it is important to understand that something more serious could be going on. It is recommended to contact your doctor if you feel severe abdominal pain or bloated.


If you are suffering from bloating and gas a few changes in your lifestyle and your diet may give you relief. Make a list of foods that are making you feel uncomfortable and avoid eating them as much as possible. Additionally, you can as well check with a nutritionist who can guide you through the best pregnancy diet plan. The professional may even suggest Digestive Enzymes. If the same symptoms continue or worsen, consult your doctor immediately. If your doctor recommends a Digestive Enzymes Supplement; you can go for Energya Pankrase. This is by far the most dependable Digestive Enzymes Supplement in India.

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